Children’s drawings are like small windows opening the wonderful world of fantasy and fairy-tale, such unreachable for most adults. Everyone who visited Otchiy Dim these days had a wonderful chance to take a look into this world. As last week we summed up the results of drawing contest at Otchiy Dim among children of the Centre of Social Care and Children of Family Care. Children were proposed the following creativity directions – “Otchiy Dim”, my life today; Holidays, Birthday, Christmas, Easter, Harvest Day; My future; World around me.
The winners were chosen in two age categories 6-10 years old and 11-15 years old, altogether 25 children took part in contest, 68 masterpieces of young artists were performed before jury. Children were awarded with finances for the first places. The best pictures were used to decorate the calendar, which will bring joy through the whole year to all its proud owners – our friends and partners.
Winners in first age group 6-10 years old
I – Bondar Nadiya, Dahnenko Vitaliy
II – Sirenko Nadiya
III – Pidakyra Vova
Winners in second are group 11-15 years old
I – Yaschenko Marianna
II – Shemet Sergiy
III – Kononiuk Angela and Shemet Sergiy
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