суббота, 3 января 2009 г.

Dear friends!

Jesus Christ is born! Let us praise Him!

From the depth of our hearts we greet you with this great holiday!

Jesus Christ by His holy mercy and love gave us strength to live worthily through this difficult year 2008 and gave us a chance to become one year closer to the Kingdom of Heaven. When Jesus was born in a manger in Bethlehem three wise men from the East recognized Him as the King of all kings and brought Him prophetic gifts. And He in turn gave them eternal life, and the memory of their deed is passed from generation to generation for more than two thousand years.

For all of us on His Birthday Jesus gives New Year 2009 with its potentials and opportunities. Let this year become for you the Year of God's glory, the year of understanding and recognition of Jesus as the Lord of the heaven and earth as well as your personal life. Trust Him as the wise men did and enter the New Year with no fear.

He will help you to leave behind all worries, and New Year will bring God's Kingdom with its peace, joy and love into your families, your work and all spheres of your life.

Let God fill your life with joy beyond measure, strong health and new accomplishments.

Sincerely with prayers for you on the behalf of all children and staff of Father’s House.

Roman Korniyko

President, Father's House ICF,

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