четверг, 4 февраля 2010 г.

«It's so easy to help!»

On Christmas Holidays eve cell-connection company Life made a wonderful present for ‘Otchiy Dim’ International Charity Foundation and children’s Centers all over Ukraine, who work with street kids, orphans and children left without parental care. This gift was a start of a new national charity program “It’s so easy to help!” realized for a couple years in a row.
The purpose of this charity program is to attract attention of society to the problem of abundance and orphan hood and to gather finances to support such children, their development, education and care.
This year it was very easy to join the charity project – you just had to bye an image for mobile phone, by sending an sms, or just call to 2009, and in such way donate for orphans and children. It was very wonderful that all finances gathered from selling animation images the Life Company has doubled and is going to give to children’s centers all over Ukraine, and “Otchiy Dim” is among them.
We are very grateful to the Life Company leadership for taking a great responsibility to help orphans and children left without parental care in time when economical crisis in our country has influenced the abilities to donate and take part in charity.
The action keeps on going and we wish much people to join this wonderful charity project “It is so easy to help!” and to experience a great pleasure of making good deeds!

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