понедельник, 1 сентября 2008 г.

USA-Netherlans team

On July 31st till August 12th the team consisting of 10 Netherlanders and 8 Americans came to Father's House. The goal of their visit was to work physically at the project in Gorobovichy, where in future will be equipped the Center of social care for children, Center for women who refused to make abortion, Dormitory for older children, who study at high school, and Animal therapeutic center.

Together with older boys and some volunteers, with joint efforts two floors of ex-camp soviet building were prepared for future reconstruction works – removed linoleum and plinths, removed all wooden doorways, all old tiles and radiators, pipes, sinks and toilets. Also the part of the team helped with wallpapering the rooms of the center of family care. It was a pleasure to watch a friendly team who worked making the maximum of their efforts.

After the hard working days our friends found time to play and spend time with children. In the end of the trip everyone from the team left some their clothes to be given to flood victims in Western Ukraine. But the most important was that they left the parts of their hearts here and became really good friends of us.

From the depth of our hearts we thank our friends for working hard and for being a good example for others, for open hearts and desire to help people in need.

Summer camp in Sweden

This summer Father's House children had an opportunity to visit the Christian camp in Sweden.

The camp schedule was very eventful - almost every day children visited different places of interests, played active games outdoors, they were swimming in beautiful lake, visited the Safari zoo and amusement park in Gothenburg city. Children met a lot of interesting people - sportsmen, musicians and made lots of new friends. Kids had a good physical and spiritual relaxation on clear and fresh Swedish air. Everyone was amazed with beautiful nature and wild animals which you could see right from your window in the very morning.

But in spite of everything, almost everyone answering the question "What did you like the most?" answered: "People".

Two weeks have gone so fast and as it usually happens no one wanted to go back home and to say good bye to new friends.

From the depth of our hearts we thank our friends Andreas and Anya for invitation and for organization of the camp, for unforgettable time and warm memories, which will stay in our hearts for a long.